Can a VentSim™ license be used on more than one computer?
Yes – but not simultaneously. A VentSim™ license can be easily moved from computer to computer via internet software activation. Once set up, it takes only seconds to transfer activation with an internet connection. For simultaneous access, multiple licenses are available at a lower cost. A USB key option is also available.
Are university licenses available?
University and research licenses are available by special arrangement, please contact us for details.
What sort of graphics hardware do I need for my computer?
VentSim™ operates under Direct3D, a Microsoft standard introduced over 15 years ago. It is designed to run on Windows XP, Vista and Windows 7/8/10. Recent computers are likely to have a suitable graphics solution, however older computers (4 years or older) will require a Direct3D compatible graphics card (likely from ATI or NVIDIA). Suitable graphics cards are available for as little as $50.
What about my laptop?
Your laptop will require 3D graphics hardware. Again an ATI or NVIDIA solution is best, however Ventsim™ has successfully been tested on low-cost laptops with Intel integrated graphics.
Is it compatible with Mac OS?
VentSim™ is Windows software, however it will run under later model Mac dual boot systems with Windows installed. Try the free viewer if in doubt.
Can I interface VentSim™ with my CAD/Mine Planning Software?
VentSim™ can utilise DXF strings and solids from any CAD or Mine Planning software package. These strings can be developed quickly into a VentSim™ model by assigning ventilation attributes in VentSim™. Extensions to VentSim™ models can be added at any time in the future from DXF files.
VentSim™ has only limited capacity to export the ventilation DXF back into other CAD or Mine Planning software, as the ventilation attributes are lost during export. 3rd party tools like the “Ventsim Plugin for MineCAD” from GijimaAST are also available.