5.2 Release Notes
- Fixed Inherit tool for Levels
- Adjusted shock behaviour for ducts connecting to surface entries
- Made a catch for when adding Contaminant/Dust Injection to airways with no airflow
- Added check in saving and loading for round airways to have consistent dimensions
- Fixed input of linear moisture on Edit form heat tab
- Fixed text toggle, so to not lose previous settings
- Fixed Presets form for Polish language
- Fixed clone of custom shape type attribute
- Made Reset of dynamic settings set to default value of graph smoothing
- Removed loading error warning arising from some Deswik-exported models
- Added Regulator Type and Opening to Clone Attributes | Resistance
- Fixed issue where saving a VentSim file results in a scrambled Stage description until you reload the file
Warning now appears when attempting to add a VentLog station to an airway that already has one but is yet to be imported
Fixed problem with opening edit of sensor schema in LiveView form
Fixed addition of moisture when using fixed dry bulb temperature
Fixed problem loading some graphic reference types
Fixed problem with Shape not transferring properly when using Clone Attributes – Size
Fixed reference list position on data manager
Fixed selecting new preset/fan and updating combobox when a new preset/fan was added via the preset to the new edit form
- Updated to save user preference for Relative Text
- Update to display long names on Reference Layer tab of Display manager
- Fixed spreadsheet to handle grouping columns with same name
- Made tool tip appear over data cell as well as label in the new Edit form
Added additional tool tips to the new edit form
- Updated translations for Russian
Hidden icons no longer swap the edit form to the corresponding tab on opening
- Fix for Date Mined date on Edit form
- Fix for missing OK button on favourites form
- Updated translations for Russian, Spanish and Chinese
Added pressure loss to dynamic monitor graph
- Fixed saving of dynamic monitor data
- Fix for changing of airway shape in old Edit form
- Corrected efficiency calculation of static fans with no efficiency curve
- Improved opening speed of sensor edit form
- Prevented obstruction and backfill from copying over to duct during build
- Altered behaviour of Heat On/Off button
- Fix for Escape Routes to always show at least one route per refuge bay
- Fix for connect alarm colours
Fixed bug associated with the interaction of the Fan Off and Reverse Blade options
Added saving of Combustion fuels for Advanced Licenses
- Fixed inheriting of colours for Air Type, Primary Layer and Secondary Layer
- Fixed saving of interpolation method for fan curves
- Disabled Stage Manager while Dynamic Simulation running
- Added friction factor presets to Advanced Find & Select
- Fixed load of Ventsim file without airways
Fixed interaction of display of Date Mined and Age fields on Heat Tab of the Edit Form
- Added airway segment total to Summary form
- Fixed Stage selection when creating a new message box
- Removed alphabetical sorting of presets in Edit form dropdowns
- Fixed export tool from Path Analyser graph
- Made Import Surpac file tool respect colour choice
- Improved robustness of Fire Simulation
- Included combustion fuels presets tab for Ventsim Advanced licenses
Fix for updating icon from Fix Flow to Fan
- Added Shortest Duct option to Select menu
- Fixed Fan Display tool to estimate all total pressure fan curves
- Fix for loading of Use Area /Perimeter option of Tunnel Profiles
Fix for Tunnel profile saving compatibility
- Fix for applying presets to multiple airways
- Prevented PQ resistance option copying during duct construction
Fix for loading custom profiles
- Fix for setting the area for regular shape profiles
- Fix for changing fix flow to fan when picking a Fan Model directly instead of changing the Type to Fan.
Improvements to Merge function to retain the original coordinates of the merged file
- Improvements to Merge function to merge the custom profiles and layers from both source and merged files
Fix for when duty point could appear above the Y axis max on fan curve
Fix for when restoring to initial conditions after a dynamic simulation could prevent changes being applied to an airway until it was re-selected
Corrections to Merge function
Fixed maintenance of stage when merging files
Fix for incorrectly shown Rock Age on Edit form for some year formats
Change to saving of Stage Description for backwards compatibility
Corrected Jet fan calculation to take proper account of changes of density
Implementation of sort ordering for Presets
Added resistance total to information after using measuring tool
Added support for VentLog when interchanging commas and decimals points
Fixed Radon Activation option to not turn off with Reset Network
Removed Rock Age error from appearing on ducts and duct leakages
Fixed issue with Message Boxes not saving in correct position when axis directions are reversed
Included velocity pressure in Fan Power calculation for fans using static pressure curves
Fixed issue with unit type setting not being correctly saved
Fix for VentLog to retain coordinate units setting in offline mode
- Recalculate refuge distance after refuge bay deletion
- Made recalculation of refuge distances keep colour contour selection
- Added additional decimal point to length parameters in Edit form
- Removed some extra alternate escape paths
- Improved behaviour around Stage Lock and Save functions
- Fix for adding VentLog stations and for reading connection file
Edits to Edit form Fan Tab layout and re-sizing
Corrected airway area update on Edit form
Fixed Inherit function for Settings
Update of Edit form simulation data after Fan tab edit
New Refuge Chamber icon
Fix exporting to Excel from Spreadsheet
Fix for calculating area on edit form
Removed option to hide fixed resistance icons below threshold
Fixed for area calculation from backfill and obstruction
Fix for unit conversions in Fire Wizard
Allowed movement of refuge chamber and update of distance from refuge calculation
Adjusted scale, transparency and range sliders to update while adjusting
- Fixed possible problem when exporting to DXF
- Fix for renaming Air Type
- Fixed loading and saving of spreadsheet saved views
Removed extra line break when copying and pasting from spreadsheet
- Fixed issue when loading password-protected files from File Explorer
- Fix for obstruction and backfill area calculation
- Update to position Recommended Airway button on width or diameter or area as appropriate for the airway shape
- Update to setting Primary/Secondary fan on Fan Display to update any existing fans where Primary/Secondary fan is not set
- Fix to for when applying properties to a large number of airway in old version of edit control
- Fix so that selected airways are not lost when switching between old and new version of edit control
- Fix for Fixed flow disappearing when other changes applied to multiple airways
- Fix for selecting Static or Total fan curve when either not available for specific fan
- Added export to Excel to spreadsheet
- Fix for adding VentLog records in the new edit control when connected to an SQL Server based VentLog database
- Improvement - Adding new stations to VentLog has new configuration options for Mine Name and Stope
- Improvement - Primary/Secondary Fan option can be set at each fan location
- Improvement - Using Tools - Calculate Distance to Surface/Refuge will now display the results automatically
- Fix for duplicating fans in the fan database
- Fix for Text view toggle shortcut key
- Fix issue where fan curve data could be lost when editing presets
- Improvement - Added Primary/Secondary Fan option
- Fix for Defaults - Restore
- Fix for Max and Min temperatures in Imperial in waterway form
- Fix for Vertical and Horizontal windows
- Fix for issue saving changes to fan curve densities
- Fix for configuring Connect to Data Source with multiple sensors per row
- Fix on new models for when only one Primary or Secondary Layer had been configured
- Fix saving explosives types
- Fix spreadsheet can now select column (s)
- Improve progress feedback on explosive simulation
- Select All (Ctrl + A) selects only current stage
- Fix - R for resistance is blank until you simulate
- Minor Fix - irregular shape area calculation fix error introduced in patch
- Minor Fix - creating a new airway won't copy refuge bay or no-thorough fare settings to new airway
- Fixed bug with Paste airways which can remove an airway when pasted into a blank model
- Fix import issues (fan import)
- Fixed Old Edit Properties Box to update after simulation
- Fixed Old Edit Properties Box to resize fan graph correctly
- Improvement on Profile Custom Shape Builder, allowing edit of points, added left & right center point
- Fix irregular selection tool prevent starting on r-click
- Improvement - Spanish translation updated
- Minor fix to contaminant property changing after simulation run
- Improvement - Remove Message box confirmation when pasting cloned airways
- Fix - several corrections to new edit properties editor
- Improvement - Can now inherit Favourites from another model
- Fix - updated license manager to check for new licensing server
- Fix - save a new view will jump to previous view
- Fix - saving of comments on Heat Moisture Diesel preset
- Fix - Crash saving presets
- Fix - unlocking stages, incorrectly reports number of airways changed
- Fix - turning off data boxes
- Fix - finding data boxes using find & select
- Improvement - added fan name, fan curve name, fan speed, regulator opening to color and text attributes
- Fix to show friction factor preset correctly in edit box
- Fix to activity tracks
- Improvement selecting resistances from airway properties
- Fix to custom friction factors being applied to multiple airways
- Minor fix to reading sensors information remove unnecessary spaces from column names
- Correctly update saved Views on inherit
- Added Vertical scroll to fan tab, when display is small
- Intermittent crash turning on and off icons
- Modify sorting of preset values to follow sorting in preset table
- Fix to fire simulation density setting with extreme temperatures
- Fix inherit 3D graphics not working, refresh saved views after inheriting
- Add Parallel airways option to new property grid
- Fix out of memory exception with very large co-ordinates creating huge grid
- Fix issue with Spanish language and saving airway shapes
- Fix airway name not showing correctly in spreadsheet tool
- Add ? button to easily access recommend airway size tool
- Correction for threading compilation error
- Fixes for edit form simulated data unit conversion
- Fixes for unit conversion
- Improvements to dynamic gas calculations
- Continue Dynamic simulation prompt correctly respond to user
- Added two more rows in unit setting to fix in missing unit options