Are you keen and

Want to Present?

Ventsim is calling for papers from all users who wish to present live at the VUC.  The Ventsim User Conference 2025 is the perfect platform to share experiences, gain visibility and recognition, seek feedback and validation, build your professional development, and contribute to the collective and growing knowledge on mine ventilation design, control and automation using industry leading Ventsim software.

Suggested Topics

• Calibration and Validation of Ventilation models or
• Ventilation surveys
• Ventilation modelling case studies
• Ventilation automation
• Coal, Metalliferous or Tunnelling Ventilation Design challenges
• Unique or novel uses for ventilation simulation
• Safety and Productive initiatives
• Specific modelling topics about fans, heat, refrigeration, gas, radon or contaminants
• Feel your topic may be different. That's okay. Send it through anyway and we'll let you know.


Include mention of the Ventsim software you are citing use of. This could be Ventsim DESIGN, Ventsim CONTROL, VentLog etc.
Please note abstract submissions close 30 September 2024.
Please send your abstract (maximum 200 words) to [email protected]


If accepted, the presentation will be during our Ventsim User Conference: